Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Peruvian Poultry Sector Drives Demand for Corn, Soybean Meal - The Poultry Site

PERU - A very dynamic poultry industry will continue driving soybean imports and consumption, writes Senior Editor, Chris Wright. Higher prices and strong demand for corn, mainly from the poultry industry, are the driving force in this market, according to recent reports from USDA GAIN.
A very dynamic poultry industry will continue driving soybean imports and consumption. Peru’s poultry sector, with its 44 million broilers per month, is the main driver of this demand.
Soybean meal imports into Peru are forecast at 1.056 MMT in MY 2013, a slight increase of 44,000 MT compared to the previous year.
With an estimated per capita consumption of 34 kilograms in CY 2012, poultry meat is a staple product in the Peruvian diet. Peru’s 528 million chicken-per-year poultry market is the major user of soybean meal (meal constitutes about 12 per cent of broiler rations). Poultry meat continues to be one the cheapest sources of protein in the Peruvian diet, total consumption was 930,000 MT in CY 2012.
Peruvian Poultry Sector Drives Demand for Corn, Soybean Meal - The Poultry Site

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