There have been a number of calls from folks who are tentatively planning to double crop soybean behind their corn crop this year. Several farmers did this last year and were able to plant soybeans in July after the corn was harvested. In several cases the double crop soybeans made in the 30 bushel range. The question I get from these folks is what herbicides can they use in corn and come back with soybeans in July?
That quick a turnaround to soybeans eliminates our main corn “go to” herbicides like atrazine, Halex GT , Lexar, Capreno or even Impact. The plant back to soybean from atrazine is one year and for these other bleaching-based herbicides is 9 to 10 months. There are several good options that can provide weed control in corn where soybeans can be planted in July. Be sure if you go this route to plan to start off clean with tillage or a good burndown. Then, to acquire the most consistent control with the limitations on herbicide options, plan to utilize a herbicide program that utilizes a pre plant or pre emerge herbicide followed by something post emergence. A couple of suggestions are listed below.
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